
Xov Xwm Chav

  • Ultrasonic level transmitter has achieved CE certification

    Ultrasonic qib transmitter tau tiav CE daim ntawv pov thawj

    Sinomeasure lub cim tshiab ntawm ultrasonic qib transmitter tau officially launched nyob rau hauv lub yim hli ntuj thiab nws qhov tseeb yog mus txog 0.2%.Sinomeasure's ultrasonic qib ntsuas tau dhau daim ntawv pov thawj CE.CE daim ntawv pov thawj Sinomeasure's ultrasonic qib transmitter ntxiv filtering al ...
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  • Sinomeasure build the green city together with Dubai central lab

    Sinomeasure tsim lub nroog ntsuab ua ke nrog Dubai central lab

    Tsis ntev los no ASEAN Thawj Tus Neeg Sawv Cev los ntawm SUPMEA Rick tau raug caw mus rau Dubai lub chaw kuaj mob hauv nruab nrab los qhia yuav ua li cas siv cov ntaub ntawv tsis muaj ntaub ntawv los ntawm SUPMEA, thiab sawv cev rau cov ntaub ntawv tsis siv neeg tshiab SUP-R9600 los ntawm SUPMEA, qhia txog cov cuab yeej siv hauv cov khoom thiab.Ua ntej ntawd, Dubai Central Labor ...
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  • Sinomeasure signal generator VS Beamex MC6 signal calibrator

    Sinomeasure teeb liab generator VS Beamex MC6 teeb liab calibrator

    Tsis ntev los no, peb cov neeg siv khoom Singapore tau yuav peb SUP-C702S hom teeb liab lub tshuab hluav taws xob thiab ua qhov kev ntsuas kev sib piv nrog Beamex MC6.Ua ntej no, peb cov neeg siv khoom kuj tau siv C702 hom teeb liab lub tshuab hluav taws xob los ntsuas kev sib piv nrog Yokogawa CA150 calibrator thiab ...
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  • Sinomeasure attending in Automation India Expo 2018

    Sinomeasure tuaj koom hauv Automation India Expo 2018

    Automation India Expo, yog ib qhov loj tshaj plaws Automation & Instrumentation exhibition ntawm South-East Asia yog tag nrho cov teeb los ua ib tug cim nyob rau hauv 2018 thiab.Nws yuav muaj nyob rau ntawm Bombay convention thiab exhibition center, Mumbai pib ntawm 29th Lub yim hli ntuj.Nws yog 4 hnub kev tshwm sim....
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  • Sinomeasure electromagnetic flowmeter applied to a large-scale chemical fertilizer production

    Sinomeasure electromagnetic flowmeter siv rau kev tsim cov tshuaj chiv loj

    Tsis ntev los no, Sinomeasure's electromagnetic flowmeter tau ua tiav rau kev tsim cov tshuaj chiv loj hauv Yunnan Xeev rau kev ntsuas dej ntawm sodium fluoride thiab lwm yam xov xwm.Thaum lub sij hawm ntsuas, lub electromagnetic flowmeter ntawm peb lub tuam txhab yog ruaj khov, wit ...
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  • Sinomeasure Group meeting Singapore customers

    Sinomeasure Group ntsib Singapore cov neeg siv khoom

    Nyob rau 2016-8-22th, Sinomeasure lub tuam txhab kev lag luam txawv teb chaws tau them kev lag luam mus rau Singapore thiab tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom tsis tu ncua.Shecey (Singapore) Pte Ltd, lub tuam txhab uas tshwj xeeb hauv kev ntsuas dej ntsuas tau yuav ntau tshaj 120 cov ntaub ntawv tsis muaj ntaub ntawv los ntawm Sinomeasure txij li ...
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  • Sinomeasure and Zhejiang University of Science and Technology launched "School-Enterprise Cooperation 2.0"

    Sinomeasure thiab Zhejiang University of Science thiab Technology launched "School-Enterprise Cooperation 2.0"

    Thaum Lub Xya Hli 9, 2021, Li Shuguang, Tus Thawj Saib Xyuas Tsev Kawm Ntawv ntawm Hluav Taws Xob Engineering ntawm Zhejiang University of Science thiab Technology, thiab Wang Yang, Tus Tuav Ntaub Ntawv ntawm Pawg Neeg Saib Xyuas, tau mus ntsib Suppea los tham txog kev koom tes hauv tsev kawm ntawv-kev lag luam, kom nkag siab ntxiv txog Suppea txoj kev loj hlob, kev ua haujlwm ...
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  • Sinomeasure vortex flowmeter be used in Hikvision

    Sinomeasure vortex flowmeter yog siv hauv Hikvision

    Sinomeasure vortex flowmeter yog siv nyob rau hauv Hikvision Hangzhou Headquarters cua compressor pipeline.Hikvision yog lub chaw tsim khoom lag luam kev ruaj ntseg uas muaj npe nrov hauv ntiaj teb, qeb duas thawj hauv ntiaj teb rau kev soj ntsuam video.Los ntawm ntau tshaj 2,400 tus neeg koom tes hauv 155 lub teb chaws thiab cheeb tsam thoob ntiaj teb, ...
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  • Sinomeasure is looking for distributors worldwide!

    Sinomeasure tab tom nrhiav rau distributors thoob ntiaj teb!

    Sinomeasure Co., Ltd. tau tsim muaj nyob rau hauv 2006 thiab yog ib lub tuam txhab high-tech tshwj xeeb hauv R & D, tsim khoom, muag thiab kev pabcuam ntawm cov txheej txheem automation instruments.Sinomeasure cov khoom tsuas yog npog cov txheej txheem automation cov cuab yeej xws li kub, siab, ntws, theem, tsom xam, thiab lwm yam., ...
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  • Found Sinomeasure in Shanghai International Water Treatment Exhibition

    Pom Sinomeasure hauv Shanghai International Water Treatment Exhibition

    Thaum Lub Yim Hli 31, lub ntiaj teb kev kho dej loj tshaj plaws platform-Shanghai International Water Treatment Exhibition tau qhib ntawm National Convention thiab Exhibition Center.Lub rooj nthuav qhia tau coj los ua ke ntau dua 3,600 tus neeg tuaj koom hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws, thiab Sinomeasure kuj tau ua tiav ...
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  • Sinomeasure new factory second phase officially started

    Sinomeasure tshiab Hoobkas thib ob theem officially pib

    Sinomeasure automation Thawj Tswj Hwm Mr Ding ua kev zoo siab rau Sinomeasure lub Hoobkas tshiab theem thib ob pib pib thaum lub Kaum Ib Hlis 5th.Sinomeasure ntse manufacturing thiab warehouse logistics center Nyob rau hauv International Enterprise Park Tsev 3 Sinomeasure ntse manuf ...
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  • SUP-LDG magnetic flowmeter applied to Philippine Water Treatment Project

    SUP-LDG magnetic flowmeter tau thov rau Philippine Water Treatment Project

    Tsis ntev los no, Sinomeasure magnetic flowmeter tau thov rau Kev Kho Dej hauv Manila, Philippines.Thiab peb tus engineer hauv zos Mr Feng mus rau ntawm qhov chaw thiab muab cov lus qhia kev teeb tsa.
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